Our Cooking and Baking Combo Camp got off to an Olympic start as we named and introduced our teams! After a review of kitchen rules, the games began with our Signature Granola Bars.
Our campers always make sure to clean up! After lunch and some outside time, we raced to make dough so it could rise for our pizzas to enjoy at lunch the next day. Our last challenge for the first day was constructing an Eiffel Tower using pasta and marshmallows!
We started off Day 2 by working our pizza dough to design and construct our personal pizzas. From the shape to the toppings, each one was fantastic!
We always read and review each recipe before starting. After preparing our mise en place (ask your camper what that means), we were ready to make delicious Peachy Pound Cake with a sweet drizzle topping!
We learned more about knife skills as we cut lemons and made small bowls for our Lemon Mousse. The counselors helped each camper use the cook tops to melt the white chocolate for the mousse. Then we added a colorful fruit garnish to our mousse-filled lemon cups!
Day 3 was pink day and pie dough day! Our counselors enjoyed dressing up for camp as much as the campers! This day was made extra sweet with a cake to celebrate Owen’s ninth birthday!
Chef Christopher shared his lasagne recipe and helped everyone build their lasagnes to take home for a delicious family dinner! Campers were challenged to help bake the lasagne at home and serve the meal. Parents brought in photos of campers baking, setting the table, and serving dinner. Those who did were rewarded with golden spoons! We celebrated with a dance party!!
On Day 4 we made delicious apple pies! We learned how to roll out our dough and prepare the crusts. Campers created lattice crusts and creative top crusts that baked beautifully!
Our final recipe was Chicken Smack Dip. We cooked our chicken breasts, shredded them, and mixed up a yummy dip to eat with Hewitt Oaks chips. Camp concluded with the presentation of awards. Gold, silver and bronze winning teams were represented on the cooking pot podiums!! Our Olympic Cooking and Baking Camp was a gold medal winner!!!
Get ready for summer fun!